
Recognizing the importance of sustainability, we are committed to reducing our environmental impact, ensuring that our services do not harm the environment.


We strive to minimize our carbon footprint through energy efficiency and waste reduction, proudly leading in responsible and sustainable finance. Our daily efforts focus on reducing consumption and enhancing sustainability for the future.




Below, you can find our latest Environmental updates:


Eco-Friendly Future with Intermex: Partnership with Data Centers to Increase Sustainability

We collaborate with industry-leading data centers to enhance the energy efficiency of our services, contributing to a sustainable environment and reducing the environmental impact of our operations.


Deploying Occupancy Sensors to Reduce Energy Usage

At our office, advanced sensors detect when people enter and leave the room, automatically adjusting lighting, temperature, and other energy systems accordingly. This ensures energy is used only when necessary, resulting in lower energy bills and a reduced environmental impact.


Consolidation of Multiple Department Spaces

To diminish our carbon footprint, we have relocated our warehouse and IT infrastructure to our Miami headquarters and encouraged remote positions for employees, minimizing our overall energy consumption and transportation-related emissions.


Replacement of Company's Thermostats to Provide Efficient HVAC Scheduling

New, energy-efficient thermostats have been integrated into our headquarters. They allow us to schedule heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) units to run only when needed, maintaining optimal temperature levels while ensuring our employees work in a comfortable environment.


LEED Gold Certified Office Relocation

In December 2023, Intermex will relocate to the Datran Center building office, gold-certified in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) scale.


This move aligns with our commitment to minimize our carbon footprint and adhere to eco-friendly measures. Our new office will be equipped with the latest technologies, providing the necessary resources for the highest quality professional environment for our employees while maintaining our commitment to sustainability.


Please find below some relevant documents regarding Datran Center's report, star certificate, and score on the LEED scale:


Going Paperless

Our office is working towards becoming a paperless environment, aiming for 90% of our files to be digital by December 2023. This transition replaces paper documents with electronic ones.


We believe going paperless is a vital step towards a more sustainable future, saving resources, reducing clutter, and improving efficiency. We are exploring new technologies and document management systems to facilitate this transition.


Eliminating Personal Printers to Reduce Energy Waste

Recognizing our responsibility to reduce energy waste and promote environmentally friendly practices, we are eliminating personal printers in the workplace. This is part of our efforts to save energy and reduce paper waste.


Our IT team is developing a policy to implement this initiative before our move to the new Datran Center in December 2023.